6 Key Advantages of Sigma Plus

Sigma Plus Advantages

What is Sigma Plus?

Over the last 11 years, Sigma team released such solutions as Sigma, Sigma Huawei Edition, and Smart-Clip2. Each of them was unique and had a solid history behind their back. All these tools were designed to meet the current needs of phone repair enthusiasts during previous years. Every generation had its superpowers and pluses. But the time has come to merge them into one ultimate solution.

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Recently released Sigma Plus is a new generation of Sigma products. It is a simple solution, perfectly designed for beginners, and a quick start in the phone repair business. New Sigma encompasses 20 years of development experience and a powerful set of service solutions for mobile devices.

Now, let`s take a closer look at the main advantages of Sigma Plus!

1. One Combined Product

The main idea of Sigma Plus is to step away from dividing its service solutions into packs or brands. Users get access to full functionality right away. Now, all supported features and models are combined in one tool – Sigma Plus.

You don`t need to compare Sigma products and wonder which fits you the best. From now on, all functions will be under the hood of Sigma Plus.

Key Differences

Sigma Key Differences

2. Clear Annual Fee

Before, to start using Sigma activations, users had these options: activate one, two, or several packs. Also, they could activate several activations at once as a combo offer. Special activations allowed users to switch from one type of product to another. Some service solutions required users to have several packs activated.

The more packs were released, the more complicated it was to choose. New users were not sure what activation pack they needed, where to find supported features and models, or is this pack compatible with this box, etc.

Sigma Plus made it clear and easy to choose. Now you can get full access to the product without complications and limitations.

Scheme of Work

Sigma Plus - Scheme of Work

3. Shortcut to All Features

With the first start of Sigma Plus software, you will get complete and instant access to 14,000+ models and 50+ features. This multifunctional tool allows you to perform a wide range of service operations like Remove FRP and Huawei ID, Repair IMEI, Flash / Backup, Decode, Codes Calculations, etc. Features are not divided into packs or by brands. Sigma Plus users get everything right from the start.

Sigma Plus - Shortcut to All Features

4. Instant Access to Updates

After Sigma Plus release, the team continues developing solely Sigma Plus solution. Therefore, only Sigma Plus users have access to all future updates.

Sigma Plus - Access to Updates

It means that Sigma Plus owners will always have access to the latest features and models added.

Existing users can upgrade to Sigma Plus anytime they feel comfortable or stay with the old version. The doors to "Sigma Plus" will always remain open for the users of previous versions. They can take their time to decide about upgrading to Sigma Plus. If you stay with the old version of our product, you will have access to offline service operations (as it was before with old versions).

Everyone who chooses to upgrade to Sigma Plus will have full access to all available server solutions and future updates.

5. Bonus Time for Existing Users

Anyone who owns Sigma, Smart-Clip2, and Sigma Huawei Edition products:

  • can upgrade to Sigma Plus anytime they feel comfortable and without additional conditions,
  • don`t need to pay for upgrading to Sigma Plus,
  • will get a bonus time after upgrading to Sigma Plus, depending on the date of the last activation of a pack or a product,
  • will have full access after upgrading (even the users with a basic version without activations bought in 2012 (and later) or a non-complete version with 1 or 2 Packs activated).
Sigma Plus - Upgrading for Existing Users

And the main point: after upgrading, a user will get access to future updates of Sigma Plus and will be confident in the ongoing support of existing server solutions, which will continue to be provided within the Sigma Plus program.

6. Affordable Price

Before, you must have all packs activated to use all features. Sometimes, it was difficult for new users to get on board.

New Sigma Plus users get an all-in-one solution for $163 for a dongle or $193 for a box with a cable set. It is cheaper than before but based on annual payments.

How it works: after one year of using Sigma Plus, you need to buy a 6-month or a 12-month activation to renew your access to the Sigma Plus features.

Buying a 12-month activation means you pay $5.75 a month for access.

$69 / 12 = $5.75

With a 6-month activation, it will be a bit more expensive.

$50 / 6 = $8.33

So, it's like buying a cup of coffee once a month and getting a professional service solution in return.

Plus, users get access to the bootloader.com file depository.

Prices Comparison For Fully Activated Products

Sigma Plus - Prices Comparison

After 1 year of using Sigma Plus, you can extend your access for another 6 or 12 months.

Sigma Plus 1 Year Activation
Sigma Plus 1 Year Activation
This activation only allows RENEW ACCESS for users who own Sigma Plus box or dongle.
USD 69.00
USD 59.00
More details
Sigma Plus 6 Month Activation
Sigma Plus 6 Month Activation
This activation only allows RENEW ACCESS for users who own Sigma Plus box or dongle.
USD 50.00
USD 45.00
More details

So, Why Sigma Plus?

  • ✔ Sigma Plus has combined all the strong points of the previous Sigma products.
  • ✔ You get full and instant access to all features and supported models right away.
  • ✔ Users of old Sigma, SigmaKey, Sigma Huawei Edition, or Smart-Clip2 can upgrade to Sigma Plus for free.
  • ✔ This generation of Sigma products is much more convenient and affordable for new users and beginners willing to start their own businesses.
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